Saturday, March 20, 2010

Beautiful Poem
by Alexis Pena (Goco)
(from Timeless Voices by Howard Ely)
When I was alive I used to be like you
today I am the Brain inside your skull
thoughtfully bonded with you and carefully determined

I imagined we would never cease
that our anatomic union would always burn a flame
and our new day would come
before any external commission of
existential self-respect

That new day never came and it seems
you have bridged your self-respect
to someone else and not me

Now I am still here very much alive in your head
always available for you
paradox as your head voice

Since I left I notice that you are happier
now autonomously whole
but I know that you will always be
the person I knew in this life
in my existence
where there is a fine line between
autonomy and calypso

Friday, January 1, 2010

Monday, January 1, 2007

Unseasoned Matter

Unseasoned Matter
by Alexis Pena (Goco)

And even the media, broadcast
overtones fortelling my identity;
Enchanted my thoughts
about brothers, or sisters,
twins, or both, and a guttural certitude
that the condition of being myself,
summoned the evidence,
primitive and foretoken -
boded ill for imitation. 
Departure: Since you care enough,
common people given praise
to your self interest,
or do they?, that you leased
your blood to someone elses
residence and leased your future
into someone elses hands;
a child is the counterpart
to the parents' spirit - to relieve them 
from the fear of the unknown and
reveal to them the secrets of life - 
instead your resentful conceit
and reduced, idle existense;
a lewd portrayal of affection
bordering equivalence to cheap diapers;
In expectation, I am forever insulted.